The profession of coaching continues to grow at an amazing rate. A search on google for coaching yields 78 MILLION pages. And as the profession develops, coaching becomes more and more complicated. There are professional coaching qualifications, codes of practice and ethics and a library of academic research on best coaching practice. Just to keep up to speed with developments in coaching seems to be a full time job.
However, coaching is not this hard. Many managers avoid coaching because of the complexity that has developed around it. The simple truth is that every manager should be coaching every member of their team, all of the time. All they need is to use a simple and practical coaching model and good interpersonal skills. And most improtasntly they must want their team members to do well. So much in coaching depends on intent.
Re-discovering coaching as a simple, quick and efficient way of building ability and developing excellent teams offer managers a straight-forward way to stand head and shoulders above most of their peers – who continue to believe that coaching is an expensive and usually outsourced development solution.