This is a question that rewards consideration with each and every person that we meet. And with every community (and each grouping within it) that we wish to engage in enterprise.
Is it that they:
- lack a specific piece of information, advice or guidance? (IAG)
- need someone to diagnose their problems and broker them to a solution provider? (IDB)
- just need access to the right type of physical space or social network to get going?
(NB These are the most common assumptions – often un-stated – that underpin the VAST MAJORITY – of investment in enterprise support services). DO THEY UNDERPIN YOURS? IF SO ARE YOU SURE THAT THEY REFLECT YOUR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY GOALS?
Or is that:
- At a deep level they won’t let themselves believe that they could succeed?
- That they are afraid that if they try something new it will probably end in failure and humiliation – again?
- That few of their peer group go down such a route – so they will risk losing friends or worse?
- They see entrepreneurs on the telly and can’t see themselves every being ‘like that’.
I personally believe that for the majority of people it is this type of issue with self-image or sense of identity that prevents them really taking up the possibility of a more (legitimate) enterprising way of life.
Yet few of our services are really designed to help people aspire, believe and achieve.