In these days of cut-backs and restricted funding opportunities has the time come to consider loan finance and other forms of borrowing?
When is it better to borrow and how have other organisations successfully used borrowed money to fund their community projects and social businesses?
Looking for answers to these and many other concerns relating to borrowing?
Then why not join Key Fund at one of the following free Borrowing Workshops?
- Legal forms for Social Enterprise
- Loans and other forms of finance
- Sourcing finance
- Risk considerations
- Assessing finance needs
- Case Studies and examples
7th July 2011
Tiger 11
Beeston Road
LS11 8ND
9:30 am – 12:30am
Places are strictly limited so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment!
For more information or to book your place
Contact: Jane Ibbotson – 0114 242 8909 Or email: