Since I posted my blog on Poor Kids in Leeds I have been asked again and again what can we do about it?
Seems that people aren’t satisfied by the platitudes of writing to councillors and MPs or throwing a fiver at the usual charities – they want to do something.
One of the things that we can do is get a group together, get more informed about what is already being done in the city, and come up with innovative ideas and suggestions for more things that we can do.
So if you can offer a little time to help please leave a comment below.
If you have any specific skills or knowledge that you can offer, or other resources that might be useful, like meeting rooms for example, then please do mention that too.
Everyone can help with this. We are not necessarily looking for specialist knowledge and skills (lets face it ‘the professionals’ have hardly got this one covered), we are just looking for people that give a damn and can offer time and imagination.
So please sign up using the comment form below if you want to have a bash at this. If you would rather not go public with your skills and other offers then just drop me an email.
On October 14th we will be holding an Innovation Lab to explore how we might Disrupt Poverty in Leeds. You can find out more about this event here.
You might also want to have a poke around here for further ideas about what can be done
NB Although I talk about Leeds I am sure that we will have very fuzzy boundaries and anyone from anywhere would be welcome to join us….