I estimate that as much as 70% of the unhelpful conflict at work is caused by people not being clear on what is expected of them at work. They either don’t understand the scope of their role – or they don’t understand the standard of performance that is expected of them.
There are three types of problems associated with unclear or poorly speciifed roles:
Role Overload – when you just have too many different things to do than can be managed
Role Conflict – when one expectation of your role is in direct conflict with another (for example front line staff are often asked to be customer focussed but to spend only a limited time on each customer)
Role Ambiguity – when you are just not clear what is expected
All three of these problems undermine effectiveness and performance at work – and in this workshop you will learn how to combat them all – both for your own role and for those who work in your team.
Key Benefits
- You will map the complexity of your roles and prioritise the different roles in both your work and personal life more effectively
- You will recognise role overload in yourself and others and learn how it can be managed effectively
- You will learn how to recognise and manage role conflict and role ambiguity
- You will learn practical ways to ensure that roles remain dynamic and effective in modern rapidly changing organisations
Remember this workshop comes with a full money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by booking now!
You will get FREE membership of the Progressive Managers’ Network and Online Forum.