Do you complain about having too much work and working too many hours?
Do you feel guilty about not having got all of the work done – again?
Managing time effectively, or to be more accurate, scheduling your priorities effectively is the key to overcoming these challenges.
The brutal truth is that the vast majority of managers spend significant amounts of time on things that have little leverage on their key responsibilities.
The way that they spend time and the key priorities that they are paid to achieve are significantly out of step.
In this workshop you will learn:
- How to become more effective at using your time – improving your efficiency and effectiveness
- How to identify and agree the key priorities in your job and keep these priorities at the top of your agenda
- How to establish a schedule that reflects your key priorities
- How to identify what your role really requires of you
- Classic time management mistakes and how to avoid them
- A simple, tried and tested model to significantly improve your time management
- How to carve out blocks of time – without interruption for the big stuff
- Create a sense of urgency in your team and increase the tempo at work
Key Benefits
- Increase the capacity and effectiveness of your team in getting the important things done
- Make sure that you get time to do the important things as well as the urgent
- Make sure that you spend time on the things that really matter
- Increase the tempo of organisational improvement and personal development for you and your team