I have had several conversations with a range of professionals in regeneration and enterprise in recent weeks to explore what specific skills, qualities and behaviours are likely to help to ‘transform’ or ‘inspire’ a client.
I am interested because:
- I have witnessed the power of personal and transformational relationships myself and think it would be useful to understand the recipes (if they exist)
- Many claim that their mission is to ‘inspire and transform’ yet their methodologies are based on transactional consulting – data collection, analysis and advice/recommendation. These can be useful but I do not think they consistently (or even occasionally) inspire or transform.
- If we are seeking to provide relationships through which others can inspire and transform their lives then perhaps we ought to have a little more organised insight into what makes the process work.
I have read a lot of the theory and it has its merits. However I am interested now in the experience of those who have been inspired or transpired:
- What skills and qualities were present?
- What behaviours were used?
- What made the inspiration/transformation happen?
- Was the relationship face to face – or mediated through a book or other media?
- Was it intentional – they were offering to transform and inspire an dyou were looking for it)?
- Was it accidental – unplanned, spontaneous?
All insights welcomed and I will of course share the results!