Interesting to see how much effort is starting to go into selling qualifications and training to the enterprise coaching market.
SFEDI Enterprise are launching their Endorsed Award in Enterprise Coaching and ILM are pitching their coaching qualifications (other suppliers are available).
I am not sure that now is the right time to be pursuing qualifications. Of course it makes sense for the employers to have qualified staff, and it makes sense for coaches to have qualifications, but does it really serve the customer? Will it support the reflective practice and development which our nascent profession demands?
Do we not risk converging too quickly on tried and tested methodologies? On embedding lowest common denominator practices? Do we not put the focus too early on ‘proving our competence’ rather than reflecting on and developing our practice?
Let’s avoid the bittersweet seduction of qualifications and instead pursue the development and recognition of methodologies that work in our communities, with our customers in our contexts. Let’s avoid the one size fits all mentality and lets encourage innovation and creativity in pursuit of our full potential.