Is enterprise to be interpreted narrowly or broadly?
- A narrow interpretation would equate enterprise with movement towards self employment or entrepreneurship.
- A broad interpretation would equate enterprise with efficacy, agency and an increased sense of influence and power in shaping one’s own future. With the pursuit of wellbeing and happiness through the exercise of personal responsibility and the skills of association, collaboration and mutuality.
Is the role of the coach to be limited or expansive?
- The limited role of the enterprise coach is as an outreach enterprise evangelist selling the enterprise fairytale and encouraging people into workshops and mainstream services….
- The expansive role of the coach is as a provider of person centred transformational relationships, harnessing the potential of people and the community to encourage personal and community development
We seem to be heading towards a position which takes a narrow definition of enterprise and limited role for the coach. I believe this will result in communities that are actually much less enterprising and entrepreneurial.
If we were to have the courage and ambition to shift to a broad definition of enterprise and an expansive role for the coach then I think we may actually have a foundation for the development of Big Society. And funnily enough it wouldn’t cost very much….