I have just been reviewing the business support NVQs – which I contributed significantly to back in the late 90s I guess. I was thrilled to see that the standards still refer to:
The principles and practice of different modes of consulting (for example, acceptant, catalytic, confrontational and prescriptive).
I am still teaching these four styles of client centred consulting – and my guess is that very few advisers, coaches or other enterprise professionals (other than those I have taught) actually know what they are!
Perhaps I am wrong….
If you wnat to learn more about these four ways of working with cleints – either get in touch or come along to An Introduction to Enterprise Coaching – held in London on March 6th or in Leeds on March 18th.
I have been using these four styles as a core part of my practice for over 20 years – and I continue to be amazed at their power to transform.