Interesting post over at SAMBA blog about the power of the:
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Does it make you a powerful life transformer – or just another cliche ridden life coach?
There is no doubt IMHO that this is potentially a life changing question.
It IS also a cliche.
What makes the difference is the nature of the relationship that you have with the person who you are asking.
If you have respect, credibility and trust – then the question will be taken on board.
Ask it too early though and you will be just another cliche ridden life coach.
For me, enterprise and entrepreneurship are great processes through which people can ‘find themselves’ and allow their true identity to emerge.
Done well this is a thing of beauty.
I have written more about this topic at and
The art of ‘enterprise coaching’ is not just about having great questions – it is also about having the relationship that permits you to ask them.
And we should never be afraid of asking the BIG, SCARY questions – but we must have the right relationship first.