While reading the manifesto I made some pretty comprehensive notes and numbered them for ease of reference. No analysis yet – just my notes…pieces that especially provoke or intrigue me I have highlighted in blue…
Doug Richards Entrepreneurs Manifesto
1 Public declarations aimed at supporting UKs 4.4m entrepreneurs
2 Manifesto
2.1 A statement of principles highlighting challenges to overcome to release entrepreneurship
2.2 Spectre of capitalism
2.2.1 Greedy bankers
2.2.2 Amoral corporations
- Pitting tax regimes against each other
- Failure of a global commons means they can escape costs of infrastructure and society that supports them
2.2.3 Bloated State incapable of controlling capitalism
- failing to deal with poverty, worklessness etc
- Outgrowing the economy
- We are demonstrably poorer – the system does not work
2.2.4 States competing to be servants of capitalism
2.2.5 The environment has no voice/the consumer no collective
2.3 Unleashing the Wealth Creators
2.3.1 Wealth of the nation rests on entrepreneurial activity
2.3.2 The state as a servant of society
2.3.3 Must harness the power of the entrepreneur to improve services
2.3.4 Size of the state is not the enemy
2.3.5 State run services immune from creative destruction
2.3.6 Fairness of the least…only the State can ensure fairness in health, education etc – no-one can have more than the least.
We cannot improve until we can improve everyone – and therefore we improve no-one
2.3.7 State’s role is to create playing fields on which entrepreneurs can be released to deliver service
2.3.8 Harness collective creative self interest of our entrepreneurial output for the benefit of meeting our social objectives
We will see a flowering of ideas, a manifold unfolding of new approaches and a gale of creative destruction
3 Declaration of Rights
3.1 Practical recommendations to clear the path for an explosion in entrepreneurship
3.1.1 Entrepreneurial culture as the only force that exists for growth, prosperity, fairness and social justice
3.1.2 Not about privilege; few getting rich at expense of poor;
3.1.3 About creating ladders of social mobility
3.1.4 Increasing wealth so we can afford services, health education etc
3.1.5 To harness entrepreneurship first we must understand it
- Risk and reward
3.1.6 Must increase economic freedoms for all businesses taking business risks
3.1.7 Cut the time it takes to start a new business
3.1.8 Streamline regulations, exempt small business where possible
3.1.9 Get government out of Business Support – just focus on regulation
3.1.10 Free up family savings for investment in nascent business with credits and exemptions
3.1.11 Stop paying people to be unemployed – share costs of ‘teaching them to be employed’
3.1.12 Employers have no means to underwrite the costs of turning students into productive employees
3.1.13 Govt is largest consumer – must change procurement patterns
- Must drive revenue to entrepreneurs
- Open doors to innovation
3.1.14 Use new legal frameworks to broaden scope for social entrepreneurs – encouraging for profit co-owned businesses and for profits that deliver social benefits
3.1.15 Understand that we do not understand
3.1.16 Must empower people to step out on their own, take risk, hope for reward and move on from failure.
3.1.17 The corrosive impact of an over protective state is not merely the loss of our sense of responsibility to a civil society; it is the even more profound loss of our sense of capacity to change society, to have an impact, to be an entrepreneur.
3.1.18 Entrepreneurship can be taught and must be learned