If you want to find yourself a great mentor, then in my experience best avoid those mentor matching services…
Just another WordPress site
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If you want to find yourself a great mentor, then in my experience best avoid those mentor matching services…
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What are the things that make ‘engaging’ harder than it need be? Here is my personal starter for 10…
Any more…?
Interested in how we can dismantle some of these barriers?
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Engagement, co-creation, co-production consultation, and membership development all are high on the list of priorities for many. Yet it can feel like an uphill battle to get beyond the usual suspects to establish a genuine engagement with the community.
Are we beset by a tide of apathy?
Or a complex web of cultural barriers that amount to intentional exclusion?
Either way – what can we do personally and collectively to overcome these barriers to engagement and participation?
To reduce them, undermine them, clamber over them?
Is it possible to be disengaged – or are we just engaged in other things, with other folk? Do we label people apathetic as a way of avoiding a real inspection of our own work?
Apathy historically means ‘free from pain’. To what extent are choices not to engage sensible means of avoiding pain, disappointment and failure?
How often is the ‘engagement’ that we are offered really in our own interest? Or is it often more serving policy makers and service providers.
Whether you are on ‘the outside looking in’, or on the inside, wondering why we don’t engage… let’s start looking for clues…
I would welcome your comments, insights and experiences of engagement, good, bad and ugly…
Please follow the link below to a pdf of the mindmap produced at the Dismantling Barriers event…
Dismantling Barriers To Engagement
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Urban Forum has FREE places available on the following half-day seminar on Getting to Grips with Social Finance.
21st June 2012 in Wakefield
Social Investment? Community Finance? Charity Bonds? Crowdfunding? What does it all mean and what does it have to do with us?
In these times of austerity, public service transformation and changes to voluntary and community sector funding, there is a greater emphasis on new forms of financing social action through social investment. In a nutshell it’s about using money to achieve both social outcomes or ‘returns’, as well as financial ones.
These seminars, organised with local and national partners, will:
The Getting to Grips with Social Finance workshop programme is being supported by the Santander Foundation.
Urban Forum
Email Web
Tel 020 7253 4816
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Wheeler Hall in Leeds was packed for this conference, as busy as I have ever seen it, which I think reflects a couple of trends:
The conference opened with John Low from JRF providing a retrospective of his 40 year career in community development spanning major periods of work in Halton Moor, then Wrexham and finally Bradford, with an emphasis on highlighting strengths and weaknesses in different approaches to community development and importantly lessons that had been learned. I am not attempting here to report what the various speakers actually said, as much as the thoughts that they triggered in my head with their words.
Throughout Johns talk attention was slightly distracted by valiant attempts to get a laptop (first a mac, then a pc) to connect to a data projector so that our next speaker should show us such visual delights as a can of beans and Trotsky pushing a pram, to no avail.
So next up was the indefatigable Nick Beddow of CDX, describing the slides that should have been on the screen…key points for me were….
The elephant in the room? That perhaps there is no such thing as a ‘community’. Just individuals, their associations and aspirations….We claim to be working with communities when in reality we are only ever working with people…
In the next session we seemed to take a bit of a weird turn as we were shown some work on an online toolkit to help learning providers to design and develop learning in response to local needs. My own prejudices against ‘online’ and ‘toolkits’ no doubt distorted my perceptions a little, along with being subjected to the 4th, 5th and 6th speaker from the front in quick succession in a hot room with poor acoustics…..
It was at this stage that I started to think about the possibilities of a conference of community development practitioners based on community development principles…. open space or knowledge cafe perhaps?
After lunch I got completely submerged in running a session on finding power for community on emerging commissioning structures of the NHS. Which ended with an analysis that says if yo are really bothered about health inequalities dont worry about commissioning and health and well-being boards but rather get stuck into the economic development agenda as only through economic development that does not promote economic growth over all other factors (health, well-being, environmental sustainability and so on) will we really start to deal with causes rather than symptoms. This was exemplified nicely by a public health practitioner struggling to development community development approaches to the reduction of dental caries while Haribo access regional growth fund money to expand production in Wakefield….
After these workshops things descended into a bit of anarchy.
The resounding answer to the question of ‘So what?’….we all shambled out into the sun….