Great Job done by Sharon Ward of Logistik on these…
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Great Job done by Sharon Ward of Logistik on these…
by admin
They have of course got this wrong. Their ambition should be to become the most enterprising city – because though business is important it should not be the be all and end all….
by admin
Another afternoon talking NEETS and another bunch of folk who think that a few more entrepreneurs going in to schools to raise aspirations will make things better.
It wont.
Because for the vast majority of the time our cultures, in schools, councils and other machine bureaucracies actually teach a very different lesson.
The celebration of compliance and subjugation to the system. So….
Here’s to the compliant ones
The submissives
The ‘OK’ folk
The shapeshifters occupying the shape shifting roles
The ones who see the reason of others
They are fond of rules and the security of routine
They can quote you, agree with you, glorify, and support you
And, when you need to, you can ignore them.
Because they challenge nothing,
They don’t push the boundaries
And, while some may see them as automatons, we see them as gun fodder
The people who will threaten nothing and will work for little more.
by admin
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs
by admin
Listening to the various party conferences you would think that the politicians THIS time have learned the lessons of boom and bust and are now going to revamp macro-economic policy, remake the relationship between state and citizen, write off large chunks of eurozone debt and lead us into a brave new world of social justice and prosperity.
Yeah! Right!
Because the truth is that any levers that the politicians have in a modern market based economy are generally pretty ineffective. They may pontificate about grand capital projects like high speed trains, tramways, arenas, flood defences and so on, but this is pretty much a combination of political posturing and feeding the professional and financial beast which we call the ‘regeneration industry’. I sometimes think that ‘Degeneration Industry’ would be a more accurate moniker. As this refreshingly honest trader put it, ‘Governments don’t rule the world: Goldman Sachs do‘.
Recovering the economy is not primarily a function of politics, but a function of enterprise. About people using their skills and knowledge to provide products and services that people want, marketing and selling them effectively at a price that adds value to the customer and makes a profit. Transactions in which all parties gain. Good business if the methods of production and distribution are environmentally sustainable and neither harm nor exploit.
But, improving the economy through enterprise is not the only thing that matters. We also need to improve our communities, making them better places for as many people as possible to live full and rewarding lives in which everyone who wants to is supported to explore their potential and express it to the full. And, these are not 2 distinct activities but 2 facets of the same process of development.
The challenge is not to find the right ‘macro-economic policy’ but to engage large numbers of people in living their lives to the full and doing what they can to help others looking to do the same. It is about mass engagement, facilitation of ideas, and support.
You see the politicians can’t build good communities and sustainable economies. We get these things as by-products of large numbers of people pursuing the projects that they believe in and helping each other wherever they can. And occasionally falling out. Great communities and their economies spring from people living their lives to the full and making the best of their potential.
It’s about time we recognised that and helped to make it happen.