Anger Does Pay – Big Time
They usually write a lot of sense over at management issues, which is why I was a little surprised to read an article called Anger Doesn’t Pay.
In my book it is perhaps the most important driver for change and innovation. Anger serves a surprising purpose . It gives us a clue, a sign that there is something here that we can have the energy and creativity to make better. Anger pays much more than indifference which at time seems ubiquitous.
What does not pay of course is losing your temper. Shouting and displaying your anger in ways that alienate people rather than recruit them to your cause.
So value your anger, cultivate it, harness it and make progress. Just don’t let it ignite your temper!
I help accidental managers become outstanding managers – if I can help you give me a call – 0113 815 3765 (UK)
Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose – the PMN Way
This TED video by Dan Pink provides some lovely support for the PMN approach to management. 18 minutes or so.
[ted id=618]
Motivation, Power and Self Interest

Carmine Coyote has written a provocative post which explores the fundamental dishonesty of motivation.
But I think Carmine has given motivation a bum rap!
What has been called ‘motivation’ is really ‘manipulation’. Manipulation to get people to do something that the manager wants them to do.
Now I don’t think any manager can ‘motivate’ anyone beyond the short term fix of the pep talk. (I think that we should set trading standards onto speakers who claim to be ‘motivational’. The good ones might educate about motivation – but in my experience the motivational, as opposed to the educational, impact of their presentations tails off within a few hours of their closing remarks.)
What managers can do is to help each employee to get really clear on their (the employees) self interest and how working towards organisational objectives serves it. Once this is done motivation will follow as sure as night follows day. Or the employee will leave to find a place where they can pursue their self interest more effectively. And this really forces employers to look at the value proposition that offer to their employees. Why should good, compassionate, competent people choose to spend their working hours with us? If it is just for the money then “Houston, we have problem!”
Self interest, rightly understood, properly negotiated with others and then pursued with vigour and power leads to remarkable results and one of its many by-products is ‘motivation’. Others are inspiration, creativity, innovation, passion, energy, vigour, strength. But the proper negotiation with others is critical. Blending self interests, weaving them together, ensuring that they reinforce rather than undermine each other, lies at the root of all high performing teams. And this is the real craft of the progressive manager.
The trouble is most of us feel uncomfortable about pursuing self interest. We are uncomfortable talking about it. We don’t even like to give ourselves the time to think about it. We have been socialised to suppress our self interest and look for opportunities to serve others. And VERY few managers build the kind of relationships where self interest (of all parties) can be clarified and negotiated fully to the benefit of all.
Carmine’s point about the fundamental dishonesty of motivation, that it is about getting people to ‘do more work for less reward’ is, I believe, a misrepresentation. Employees who create value deserve a proportionate share of that value and this depends on the proper negotiation of self interest. If the negotiation is not proper, but unfair, then self interest is not fully served and as a result motivation erodes.
Increasingly the nature of the reward is more than simply financial. Employees are looking for a diverse and intensely personal cocktail of rewards with ingredients that include fulfilment, challenge, flexibility, creativity and personal and professional development. These are essential components of self interest for most of us and help to keep people motivated at least as much as money, which is just a hygiene factor.
Appreciation also needs to be part of the mix. It absolutely is part of the package of ‘rewards’ that most of us look for at work. And it is a part of the job that many managers struggle with as they tend to leave things alone until they go wrong.
And perhaps we (professional management educators) need to do more with managers on ‘motivation’ as an emergent property – the preconditions for which require a full and proper negotiation of self interest(s) and the development of the employees power to pursue it with vigour.
And while I don’t think that people are any different in the third sector, I do think that the cocktail of self interest often needs to be much more carefully balanced. And many third sector managers forget this at their peril. Few of us join social enterprises to be overt vehicles for the delivery of government policy. We join social enterprises to promote social justice. And the ‘self interests’ of politicians and the promotion of social justice are rarely properly negotiated.
Your thoughts….
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Are You a Jackass or a Progressive?
There is a widespread belief that the best way to manage a donkey is through a combination of stick and carrot.
As long as the right ‘extrinsic motivation’ is applied at the right time, at the right end, there is a chance that the donkey will do what we want it to.
- Unless of course the donkey has had enough carrots for one day
- Or becomes so accustomed to the stick that it is no longer effective
- Or the donkey sees it self interest lying elsewhere – enough carrots for one day – I am heading off for the nettles….
Then the donkey is very likely to go into stubborn mode.
We might try bigger sticks and juicier carrots, but the donkey is not for turning. ‘Jackass Management’ no longer works.
Even when it is working as well as it can, the best we get from ‘Jackass Management’ is a situation where the donkey does the bare minimum neccesary to pursue the carrot and avoid the stick.
Yet ‘Jackass Management’ is still incredibly prevalent. Sub-conscious perhaps – but prevalent. Our own self image as ‘an enlightened and person centred manager’ may prevent us from seeing our own jackass tactics. But we cannot escape the mediocrity that our ‘Jackass’ Management creates.
The alternative is a management that is based on a genuine relationship in which both parties self interests are clearly negotiated and mutually pursued. Management in which both parties strive to give us much as they can – because they believe that is in their own self interest – rather than doing as little as they can to get the carrot and avoid the stick.
I call this Progressive Management.
Making the shift from ‘Jackass Management’ to Progressive Management is not difficult. It does take some time, a little technique and a lot of courage. It leads to:
- significant productivity improvements
- increased well being
- reduced workplace stress
- more creativity and innovation
- better employee engagement
- lower costs and
- happier customers.
It requires us to see our job as helping other people to do great work rather than as donkeys to be manipulated to our will.
So why don’t more people make the transition from ‘Jackass’ to ‘Progressive’? Because they are too busy wielding sticks and carrots to take the time.
If you would like to learn how to be a Progressive Manager then please visit www.progressivemanagersnetwork.co.uk
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