International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research Special Issue on Developing Enterprising Individuals
In 1993 Gustafson suggested that entrepreneurship education would be an ideal context for students to address “their identity, objectives, hopes, relation to society, and the tension between thought and action”.
In 1995 Kourilsky commented on the over-focus of much of entrepreneurship education on business management rather than other aspects such as recognition of opportunities.
…the traditional focus on business and new venture management provides an inadequate basis for responding to societal needs and proposes the wider notion of ‘enterprise’ (Gibb, 2002).
HALLELUJAH! We say it – but we don’t do it!
Anyone interested in helping me put together a paper?
My only question is that if academics have been onto this for almost 20 years – how come they have had little or no impact on enterprise education or business support?