If you want to find yourself a great mentor, then in my experience best avoid those mentor matching services…
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If you want to find yourself a great mentor, then in my experience best avoid those mentor matching services…
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There can be little doubt that these are relatively tough times in the UK, and the minds of many are focussed on how best to make progress when it feels like everything is being cut.
But most of those who are thinking about it are the professionals, who control budgets for the delivery of services or front-line service providers trying to figure out how to stop things getting dangerous as they are stretched further and further. The assumption is that the job remains to be done, that they are the ones to do it, and they need to figure what they are going to do to make the best adjustments that they can.
But supposing they took a different tack? Suppose they invited citizens in to explore the challenges that they face and how they might be met, how ordinary citizens might be able to use their resources, time, knowledge, skills and sometimes perhaps cash, to help?
So, for example, we might
What might happen if we asked local people to step up and see what they might be able to do about other issues facing them, their loved ones and their neighbours like:
Or we can just bundle these issues up into performance related contracts, attach our 56 pages of terms and conditions, develop it into a multi-million pound contract and pump it through the procurement process?
How might this work out at a local level?
I watched a community psychiatric nurse, working with a third sector service provider, planning home help for an elderly gentleman in the early stages of dementia. He needed help with a weekly shop, food preparation and encouragement to take his medication. Essentially they agreed a piece of business for the third sector to provide this basic support, paid for out of public finance. There was no discussion of the role of neighbours in helping out. No exploration about whether they might be able to manage a weekly shop between them, or set up a meal rota, or ensure a daily visit.
Now I don’t think this was a rare one-off. I think our neighbourhoods are awash with opportunities for local people to engage with each other, to help and be helped, and to learn how to make a real difference to the big and small issues that beset us.
I am not saying that we don’t need specialist public services, of course we do. But we will have to learn to do the basics for ourselves if we want to make progress.
The challenge is how can the funders possibly engage with a civic group that helps it to do something quite remarkable. Because standard forms of procurement and project management are hardly conducive.
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I trained as a teacher in Leeds back in the 1980s. And ever since there has been nothing but ‘shake-ups in education’. Nine years as a School Governor in the city was characterised by a succession of initiatives, mostly from Whitehall, to be dealt with.
But inspite of all of this change, very little real progress. You don’t believe that rise in examination results every year for the last 29 do you?
So what happens when you float a radical idea related to education in the city? A senior public sector manager snorts loudly and says ‘That’ll never happen’.
Nice. Way to go. Innovation Central. Thank you!
The idea? Not a manifesto. Not even a proposal. Just an idea….
What if every school in the city carried the same proportion of pupils from poor homes? Instead of some schools having no ‘poor kids’ and others having a majority, why not find ways to ensure that every school has a very similar profile of wealth in its population?
What might the impact be on the quality of education right across the city?
Or how about this?
Why not take the money that we currently spend on inward investment and tourism in the city and instead use it to reduce class sizes across Leeds? We might then attract employers to our city because of the quality of the education we offer, the resulting talented workforce and providing great education to employers and employees children? Tourists might come because the citizens of Leeds are actually able to produce an experience that few can match.
Anyone up for an Innovation Lab on Education in Leeds?
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