…is the title of an interesting blog post over at the Wall Street Journal.
I don’t agree with all of it – for example you don’t HAVE to take big financial risks if you want to be an entrepreneur – but it does provoke thought.!
Just another WordPress site
by admin
…is the title of an interesting blog post over at the Wall Street Journal.
I don’t agree with all of it – for example you don’t HAVE to take big financial risks if you want to be an entrepreneur – but it does provoke thought.!
by admin
Had the privilege of attending my first Creative Networks event at Leeds College of Art. Frazer Irving – a wonderful illustrator talked about his career – from which I took the following:
This was a great networking event – convivial atmosphere – great facilities – good food – great speakers and good management.
If only all networking opportunities were this good!
by admin
I recently received an e-mail from a friend and customer of mine who is managing a size-able enteprise project:
I am using the training that me and the team have had from you to inform a business plan.
We are identifying an issue with people coming to us wanting funding for safety passports, fork lift truck licences etc. We are letting them apply straight away, but then they go away and we don’t hear from them again.
To ensure we have more impact and build the relationship I’m going to look at solutions like using a minimum number of outreach sessions before unlocking other opportunities e.g. funding. Where we have a relationship with the client we find out more about them, including often that they don’t really want what they are asking for in the first instance and rather something else, or that there are bigger issues holding them back. Also this process can weed out those people who can really afford to pay for training themselves – if we pay for them we are changing nothing about them or the world.
I don’t want to go down the Jobcentre route of the client having to be out of work and desperate for at least 6 months or 3 months to access any support but I think if word gets round you have funding then you get overrun with people, not all of whom have many barriers, which is what we’re finding.
I think this sends me back to thinking about who and how we really want to help and work with and to what end. I think a lot of it is in the contracting that you describe in the Enterprise Coaching cycle. Having the opportunity to build rapport with the client and really set out what you are both bringing to that relationship.
This outlines a number of challenges that are faced by enterprise support projects – which few have the courage to tackle head on – because it might make “the numbers” look worse.
As soon as you start to offer funding or direct opportunities to people, you start to attract a lot of the wrong kind of client. Well, perhaps the right kind of client – but with the wrong motivation – and with a fundamental misunderstanding of the power and potential of your offer to them. People motivated by a desire for handouts or quick fixes, rather than those that really want to work towards long term and sustainable progress.
You really want to ONLY attract people who come to you because you can help them by being kind, compassionate, caring, supportive and challenging. ie the ONLY thing you offer is life changing transformational coaching.
All the other transactional stuff (skills, money, training, premises etc) is available elsewhere in the system. Our job is to build the desire/commitment/hunger to help people to use it.
I don’t think the answer is to delay helping people to access what they think they want. Although we should know that most of our clients will initially present us with what I call ‘A BIG LIE’. Very few clients will present us with their truths until we have earned their trust and repsect.
They nearly all tell us a big, fat, safe lie to begin with.
The answer is to help them to get some of that stuff (otherwise they will see us as useless and hard to work with) and challenge them as to what they REALLY want to do with it – and will it give them what they are looking for?
This is all about being able to be acceptant and confrontational – which I also cover in the enterprise coaching training.
by admin
Here are 998 business ideas – just free for the taking:
by admin
If you keep a predatory fish, such as a pike, in an aquarium it will display normal healthy predator behaviours. Put a prey fish in and a hungry pike will attack and swallow it in the blink of an eye.
If you use a glass wall to divide the aquarium in half, with the pike on one side and a prey fish on the other, then the pike will pursue the prey fish again. But this time it just smacks into the glass and gets a painful bang on the head for its trouble. No matter! It regroups, attacks again and ‘crack’ the same result – a whole load of pain and no gain.
After a while the pike learns that going for the prey fish is not such a smart move. Chasing what you want just ends in failure and pain. You can even remove the glass wall from the tank, surround the starving pike with prey fish and it still will not attack. It has learned helplessness.
There is a lot of learned helplessness out there. A lot of people who used to have dreams and aspirations, but in pursuing them have just got pain and no gain. Painful experiences and memories from school, parents and peers who do not believe in them and perhaps a history of redundancy and unemployment. You can dangle ‘opportunities’ in front of them and still they will not grab them. They have learned that this will only end in pain – and no gain. Learned helplessness.
And ‘advice’ even well meaning, technically competent and powerful advice will not help. In fact it will hinder – it will reinforce the idea that they are somehow deficient. That if they were OK they would not be in this situation. It reinforces the helplessness.
So what does work? Knowing someone who believes in you – unconditionally. Who encourages you to pick yourself up, learn the lesson and move on. Someone who has faith in you and wants to see you become the wonderful person that you have the potential to become. Someone who does not preach or advise but just helps you to grow – and to keep growing. Someone who puts your well-being at the top of the agenda – and their contracted outputs much lower down. A facilitator, a coach, a true friend who will help tackle the real barriers to progress – not just the technical challenges to be overcome but the personal ones too.