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I regularly read Wally Bock’s blog. He is always coming up with great insights and ideas.
In a recent post he reminded us that:
Much the same can be said of management. I even agree with the situational nature of leadership – although I also believe that a single, simple management system can provide the basics of good organisational practice in the vast majority of situations. A system where you:
Thanks Wally. You can read the full post here.
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I got a wonderful e-mail this morning from an old friend, Jim McLaughlin.
In it he said:
“I love this marriage of science and heart.
It’s where the human potential movement meets good organisational practices. In fact, if people in organisations were enabled to be their best human selves – loving, forgiving, caring, open, courageous – there would be wonderful organisations. But somehow we change the rules of what is expected when someone brings their work self into the office/hospital/factory.”
Now why didn’t I put it like that!
One of the real sources of advantage is the ability to retain humanity and compassion while developing excellent organisational practices. However this is a trick that many organisations with ‘transactional’ rather than ‘transformational’ cultures have managed to miss.
On a good day I would like to think that the compassion and humanity that attracts so many of us to third sector would make this transformation trick a straightforward one to play. However the evidence suggests that many organisations in third sector quickly become as transactional as so many of their private and public sector cousins
Thanks Jim!
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Michael Marland, a visionary London headteacher wrote “The Craft of the Classroom” which has had a profound effect on the development of effective teachers.
In it he wrote:
“The craft won’t work without a spirit compounded of the salesman, the Music Hall performer, the parent, the clown, the intellectual, the lover and the organiser, but the spirit won’t win through on its own either. Method matters. The more “organised” you are, the more sympathetic you can be.”
Teachers and managers are both paid to help individuals to explore and develop their potential and I think that Marland’s quote about the teaching craft probably also holds true for management.
If this is true which facets of ‘spirit’ and ‘method’ do you most urgently need to develop?
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As the legendary Bruce Springsteen said back in the 1970s when he just started to win recording contracts – ‘When they pay you $400 a day you get to have $400 dollar a day problems’.
I found a great blog yesterday that quoted some research on the relationship between wealth and stress.
The following five types of deal were offered:
Now I think that sometimes the deals people settle for are a reflection of their self worth, as much as of their potential or achievement.
You can read the original post here.