Imagine a client who is about to commit him/herself to a significant investment in a new business. The market does not seem to be there. The finance is not yet in place. The business (from any logical rational perspective) looks like a money pit.
Yet they know they can make it work. They can see the business in its final form. They know that they will find a way. They just need to commit to it. So they make the investment. They burn their bridges. There is no going back. They have to find a way.

You ask them why they are so sure that the business will work. They answer,
“I just know it will work – I can feel it in my bones”
or perhaps
“God told me to do this – he will find a way”
“I know it is a risk – but it is a risk that I comfortable to take”.
Now just suppose they are the Head of Sony on the brink of launching the Walkman – even though all the business anlaysts were screaming – DON’T DO IT. Or imagine your client is Rupert Murdoch, about to launch Sky Sports – even though the market research says that overwhelmingly people will not pay to watch football matches on satellite TV.
Now imagine it is a local person about to launch into their first enterprise – no financial reserves to fall back on.
- How would you handle the situation?
- What would you say?
- What would you do?
- Who else might you involve?
If you manage a support service – how would you want your advisers and coaches to handle it?