- I am an Entrepreneur.
- I am following a dream, pursuing an opportunity, taking charge of my own destiny.
- I am bringing something of value to society, making a job for myself and for others, and creating wealth that benefits my family, my community, my country, my world.
- I am one of a movement of millions of entrepreneurs and innovators who made America great, and who will continue to keep our economy going…and growing.
- I am what I am because many people have helped me along on this journey.
- I will tell my story, sharing my successes and failures, so that others taking the entrepreneurial path can learn.
- I will strive to mentor an aspiring entrepreneur.
- I will make my voice heard by those who make policy decisions that affect me and my business.
- I will appreciate and celebrate my accomplishments, and the accomplishments of all my fellow entrepreneurs.
- I will give back to the society that helped me to be successful.
- I will Build a Stronger America.
What would a UK version look like?
Prize of a Flip Mino Video Recorder for the Best (in my opinion) UK Entrepreneur’s Pledge posted in comments. Closing date: May 31st 2010 at midnight. Any one can enter but I will only ship the prize to a UK address.