A one day workshop looking at strategies and techniques for marketing enterprise projects.
Using both the Change Cycle of Prochaska and DiClemente and the Enterprise Coaching Model this one day workshop will help you to develop ways of marketing enterprise programmes.
The day will focus on marketing enterprise in communities with lower than usual levels of enterprise.
- Developing Collateral (that might just work)
- Working with Gatekeepers
- Building Word of Mouth Strategies
Workshop costs £299 plus VAT.
Super output areas and other ‘deprived’ communities are dominated by a psychology of poverty.
- Poverty of aspiration
- Poverty of belief and
- Poverty of opportunity.
Only by understanding the psychology of the groups and individuals with whom we want to work and by developing focused social marketing strategies are we likely to receive an invitation to do our work.
Marketing in poor communities is different.
It needs a different approach.
You Will Learn:
- What is Social Marketing and Why it Matters to Enterprise Professionals
- Developing Marketing Collateral that Might Just Work
- Learning from Current Practice
- Developing Market Segments that Work
- Strangers, Prospects and Customers
- How to Build a Word of Mouth Strategy
- Using Gatekeepers to Reach the Market
Who Should Attend?
- Enterprise coaches, advisers and other enterprise professionals seeking to work with ‘hard to reach’ communities
- Marketeers and PR professionals charged with promoting enterprise services and project
- Anyone who is seeking to ‘engage’ a community in enterprise