- Large well organised bodies of professionals make a lot of money from it – architects, planners, developers – they spend fortunes on organised lobbying – just look at the sponsorship of most of the big regeneration conferences – nearly all ‘sheds and shedmen’. Look at MIPIM. They will not easily give up their market share.
- Politicians like ‘sheds and shedmen’ because they give them something to open and point at. ‘Look at the lovely building we have delivered, see how it shines, my lovely….’
- Politicians also like ‘sheds and shedmen’ because they provide interventions that can fit within an electoral cycle…when you elected me this was a wasteland…now it has a ‘shed’. More person centred approaches to tackling often generational problems in the local economy are likely to take longer and may not provide the short term ‘electoral’ benefits that our democratic leaders require
- Much of the electorate fall for the seductive line of ‘attracting employers who will bring us jobs and a bright and shiny future’. We have failed to provide them with a different, more compelling and honest narrative. We have also failed to expose the nature of the ‘deals’ that are often required to attract such investment.
How to Destroy an Enterprise Culture
This is the title of a workshop I am submitting to the International Conference on Enterprise Promotion, taking place in Harrogate next month. Don’t know yet if it will be accepted as it bends the ‘submission guidelines’ a little.
Workshop Aims
- To illustrate how and why most contemporary interventions designed to promote enterprise usually have precisely the opposite effect;
- To demonstrate how narrow conceptions of enterprise serve to undermine the value of enterprise development for both funders and citizens and sells our profession short;
- To outline ‘in which direction progress lies’ if we really want to develop more enterprising behaviours in the community;
- We (policy makers, professionals and community leaders) need to re-conceive what we mean by ‘enterprise’ and ‘enterprise development’ and understand more fully its relationship to ‘entrepreneurship’, ‘business development’ and ‘community’.
- We need to adopt much more ambivalent approaches to ‘entrepreneurship’, of all kinds, if we really wish to engage ‘community’.
- We need to take seriously the principles of person centred development in our work to teach people how to live a ‘becoming existence’ and pay serious attention to a credo that says above all ‘Do No Harm’.
Sounds interesting? See you in Harrogate. Or get in touch.
Where Do Good Ideas Come From?
Essential viewing especially for all of you who promote fast start-ups:
How do we provide enterprise coaching that provides spaces where people with ideas can meet, swap and take on new forms?
It is a team game after all!
I am glad to say we have been getting much better at this in Leeds recently thanks to tremendous efforts on things like Bettakultcha, Cultural Conversations, and Progress School all helping to build an environment and an ecology where slow hunches can brew.
Sticks, carrots, coercion and coaching
“What we did establish is that the carrots offered were far less effective than the sticks employed.”
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of the Committee of Public Accounts – talking about the ‘limited effect’ of Pathways to Work pilots
Sticks and carrots have a long and noble tradition in the management of donkeys. However even with donkeys there are times when the ‘bribe and punish’ approach to change management fails:
- When the donkey is not hungry enough
- When the effort of reaching the carrot is too great (the burden is too heavy)
In these circumstances we may choose to resort to the stick. But this too will not work if:
- the pain of the stick is thought to be less than the pain of moving forward
- the donkey learns to like the stick and the attention that it brings
But I think the real issue here is not about the limitations of sticks and carrots in the management of donkeys and people.
It is about the complete and utter failure to understand the nature of human motivation. Motivation is that which energises, directs and sustains a person’s efforts. Sustains efforts. Sticks and carrots applied to move a donkey from one (expensive) field to another (less expensive field) do NOTHING to sustain efforts. In fact it is likely to achieve the opposite. The donkey returns to its passive state until more carrots and sticks appear on the scene. And the state wants more enterprising communities?
But the major problem is not treating people like donkeys, and further dulling their enterprising souls. It is that the state believes that this is the most effective, fair and just way of changing behaviour. That this is such a common default setting when trying to manipulate the behaviours and choices of its citizens.
And we wonder why ‘community engagement’ is so difficult. When you have beaten and bribed your donkeys into submission don’t expect them to engage with you, without the use of ever more sticks and carrots.
Perhaps instead of resorting to a coercive approach to change, we might try instead a coaching approach?
Helping people to recognise their long term self interest and how it may be pursued. Helping them to develop the power they need to make progress in their lives. Helping them to recognise that it is possible and that they don’t need to be pushed around by a bureaucratic system of sticks and carrots. That THEY have choices and agency in their own lives. Vegetable wielding bureaucrats do not have to be the architects of their future.
And what if someone decides that their long-term self interest is served by staying exactly where they are?
Well, we could just leave them alone and put our time, energy and investment into those that want to explore pastures new. Why should the squeaky wheel get all the grease?
Because perhaps people are more like sheep than donkeys. When they see some of the flock moving forward others are sure to follow.
Aren’t they?
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Start a Business…
I have just been reading Steve Pavlina’s post on 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Get a Job. Although written with, in my opinion, an offensive and patronising tone (people with jobs are morons, bosses are idiots etc) it does raise some interesting points. Including the one about ‘getting paid while you sleep with a pregnancy body pillow‘ rather than while you work. Seductive stuff!
But like so much of the self help and entrepreneurship industry it lacks balance and feels manipulative. So, in the interest of balance, here are 10 reasons why you should never start a business.
1 It may lead to debt and misery
The stats on business success are not that pretty. For everyone like Steve that earns $40 000 a month from their website there are hundreds if not thousands who are trapped in a business that does not make enough money. They work long hours for little or no money. You talk to a Venture Capitalist and most of them will tell you the same. For every 20 businesses or so they invest in the majority never make a return on the investment. A few will just about break even on the investment. And, if they are lucky, perhaps one or two will make some serious money. Serious enough to cover the failed investments in those other businesses. So what are the odds? Are you sure you will be one of the lucky ones?
2 It will put strain on your relationships
When you run your own business it nearly always takes time. A lot of time. If you have had children and gone through the ‘terrible twos’ then you will understand what I mean when I say a new business is demanding, just like a toddler. It takes time and energy. Of course, so does holding down a job, but running your own business is way, way more invasive. Many successful business people have left behind them a trail of broken marriages and damaged friendships.
3 It is difficult
Don’t believe those that tell you starting a business is easy. ‘Just follow these 10 simple steps to business success’ etc. Business is hard. And small business is the hardest of all. Because often there is only you to get the product right, to deal with customers, to do marketing and sales and to manage the money. In a small business one mistake can take you down for a very long time. Big business can afford the odd dodgy product launch. But for small business it may be the end of the road. You get sick as an employee and there will probably be a job for you to go back to when you are well. You get sick when you are the business and that might be curtains….
4 Everyone becomes a mark
Unless you are careful the pressure to sell your business will turn everyone that you meet into a potential sale. Not so long back I heard a primary school teacher telling one of the charges in her enterprise class that ‘everyone you meet is a potential customer’ and ‘remember you are ALWAYS selling’.
5 You become a mark
Once you have got a business everyone is trying to sell you something. Mobile phones, office equipment, a sure-fire way to earn money while you sleep – yada, yada…And if they are not trying to sell you something they will portray you as a profit obsessed capitalist taking us all to hell in a handcart, profiting from the poor and ruining the environment. You had better have thick skin.
6 You may become obsessed with money
Because that is how you ‘keep score’ in business. It is not enough to do good work. That work has to be profitable. And if you have not got deep pockets it has to be profitable quickly.
7 You become a lackey to Government
Contributing to their goals of a sustainable growing economy, rather than a sustainable planet, collecting taxes for them and generally helping them to maintain their economic scorecard
8 You become that evil bovine master
When you start a business you are the daddy. Or mummy. You are the idiot. And the hero. It all rests on your shoulders…
9 You will have an inbred social life
I have met so many entrepreneurs for whom their business has become their life. And they are trapped in it. They can’t stop trading, but nor can they make good money. And if they do make good money then they have no-one or no time to spend it with. They are literally married to the business.
10 You become a coward
If you are lucky, you find what works and you stick to it. You don’t take major risks. You can never walk away. Just day after day the same old same old feeding the beast.
Now of course my 10 reasons are no closer to the truth than are Steve’s. And that is the point. No-one can tell you what the right thing is for you to do.
Not now. Not ever.
So, the next time a slickly dressed and white-toothed smiler promises you that jobs are for idiots and that you too can make money while you sleep, well my best advice is just to look that particular gift horse in the mouth, very carefully. Especially when they close their post with a link to your very own ‘Make Money Online’ business.
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