Just about to embark on a new venture in Leeds called Progress School, providing pay what you can professional and personal development. Progress School offers:
- A confidential and supportive environment in which to plan your personal and professional development
- Time to develop a vision for the ‘ideal you’ and to learn more about the ‘real you’ – how you are perceived by others
- Recognition of strengths and gaps – those potentials that you have not yet fully realised
- A learning agenda – identify what you need to learn and how you are going to learn it to bridge the gap between ‘real’ and ‘ideal’
- Access to a network of fellow Progress School members who will commit to helping you learn
- A chance to experiment – to try out new behaviours and skills – to see if they work for you
- Develop new practices that help you make progress
Progress School is designed to offer you a flexible process to support your development. The more you attend the more you are likely to get from it – but there is no curriculum to follow – just a process of reflection and action to engage with.
Interested? Book Your Place…Now
Prices start from free….